
MPC stamped

Oryx dronekit fall release

Perception, guidance, simulator, platform… The Oryx dronekit suite (land-based autonomous navigation) is reaping the rewards of an heavy 2020 R&D for the Robotics division of the iXblue Group. Our customers can now count on: High-precision visual positioning, thanks to the automatic interpretation of ArUco markers. This technology, cheap in instrumentation, is particularly suitable for berthing […]

iXblue Robopec nouveau batiment

Robopec gets a makeover

After several months of work, a brand-new building now welcomes our team of robotics experts. We enjoy spacious and bright offices, far from the bucolic charm of the original villa. The site also has a garage hosting our test boat, a workshop to assemble our small systems, a huge room for our indoor robotics trials. [...]
Illustration_without_deepsort EFR

Major advances in the detection and pursuit of objects at sea.

            Flagship component of the suite Cetos dronekit (autonomous maritime navigation), the Cetos Sense module provides advanced perception capabilities. The latest update, available now, incorporates new results of the R&D led by the Robotics division of the iXblue group. Thanks to recorders installed on different vessels, the bank of reference […]


Phenotyping: from horizontal to vertical.

A new market for the phenotyping systems of the robotics and AI division of the iXblue group. The INRAe lab in Colmar, world-renowned for its research on vines, has invested in a data acquisition system specially designed for vine rows. Based on the same technologies as our traditional solutions, this system nevertheless has specific features. […]


Advanced perception landing at Robopec.

In order to feed its research and development in the field of ground autonomous navigation, the robotics and AI division of iXblue group, provide itself with an comprehensive perception system: a dozen sensors of different types, arranged on a transportable chassis. This system can be mobilized in record time for testing campaigns on industrial vehicles, […]


Phenoman: new season, new cabinets.

Phenoman system now features reduced dimension and waterproofing, which are more suitable to prolonged use in fields. Thanks to an optimized internal electronics, an ingenious packaging design and an improved mastery in 3D printing technologies, Robopec released an outstanding equipment in terms of content and quality. A series of 5 new boxes has been delivered, […]


Phenotyping: public and private labs get their gears from Robopec.

  Nature does not wait: the data collection period runs from March to September. The Robotics & AI division of group iXblue has mobilized to deliver new phenotyping systems just in time to  observe the first shoots. The first system, PHE-B, is a deformable structure mounted on a high clearance carrier in order to pass […]


Robopec new look.

We, at Robopec, the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence division of iXblue, have always promoted distributed architectures. Proof of this is the expertise developed over more than 10 years on the ROS framework, now widely recognized and supported by the robotics community. Faced with the anti Covid-19 procedures, it is only natural that we have redeployed […]


Robopec’s know-how boosts waste sorting.

3 The machines of Pellenc ST, leader in intelligent sorting for waste treatment, are getting a makeover and are being equipped with a brand-new embedded control/command. The arrival of new sensors and increasingly complex algorithms has led to a complete overhaul of the data process. Awarded thanks to a modern, scalable and efficient demonstrator, Robopec‘s […]

Robot Race 2019

Toulouse Robot Race 2019.

  A Robopec team participated in the 4th edition of the TRR and won both events reserved for wheeled robots. Winners in 2017, 1st and 2nd in 2018, our Robin-Romain duo, well supported by our youngest recruits, has, this time, crushed this national competition for autonomous vehicles. Fairly comfortable winner of the speed event after […]


Robopec expands range of phenotyping Systems.

In addition to autonomous robots and manual-driven sensors cabinets, Robopec has just released a minimalist acquisition system for pedestrian use. Designed by the researchers at INRA in Avignon, this system results from several iterations of collaborative engineering. The first series of 5 copies is going to be delivered to various labs partnering in the LITERAL program. Called […]

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Robopec: First systems delivery in China.

The Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) has just received its first two phenotyping systems. Supported by french agronomy institute (INRA) under a research partnership, NAU researchers have chosen to rely on the data acquisition system of Robopec, a division of iXblue. Called Phenotiny, these systems are installed on lightweight wheeled frames manufactured locally. They include 3 LIDAR […]

Robopec: Back to the roots.

Ten years after its first projects in the field of land robotics for Defense, Robopec, a division of iXblue group, has just received an order for supplying an operational demonstrator consisting of 2 outdoor mobile platforms and a centralized control station. The purpose remains for the moment confidential, but the platform will have the capabilities […]


Robopec’s R&D awarded by French MinDef.

Robopec, a division of iXblue Group, has received RAPID funding from the DGA to accelerate its research work in the field of autonomous vessels. Leader of a group including LIS lab and SubseaTech, Robopec will allocate this budget to the improvement of its solutions for perception at sea, in the sense of knowledge and interpretation […]

Deux Pheno

Robopec scores twice.

Less than 2 years after the commissioning of the first Phenomobile V2 in Toulouse, the French Institute for Research in Agronomy (INRA) has just received two more machines for the sites of Montpellier and Clermont-Ferrand. Specifically designed to collect phenotyping data on experimental crops, these systems were jointly developed by Meca-3d and Robopec, a division of […]

Robopec spreads out its technology.

The commissioning of the first Phenomobile V2 has demonstrated the operational benefits of the autonomous mission preparation and execution software suite developed by Robopec, an iXblue company. Convinced by the solution, and concerned about the homogeneity of its fleet, ARVALIS entrusted Robopec to upgrade its first generation autonomous platform (Phenomobile V1) The acceptance tests have […]


Robopec provider for research in agronomy.

Robopec, an iXblue company, has just released 7 more phenotyping gantries (PhenoField) to Arvalis site, center France, thus extending phenotyping capabilities to 28000 m². Robopec has developed, under INRA and Arvalis authority, and in partnership with Meca-3d, a multi-sensors acquisition system dedicated to collect data for phenotyping. This system has outstanding precision performances, allowing the […]

iXblue is proud to announce the recent acquisition of robotics and software developments company, Robopec.

iXblue, a global high-tech company that specializes in the design and manufacturing of advanced autonomous, marine and photonics technologies, has recently made the acquisition of robotics and software developments company, Robopec. Now a fully owned subsidiary of iXblue, Robopec will continue to provide its advanced expertise in artificial intelligence algorithms and software development, as well […]

Ifremer: Long-term support contract.

In 2017, Ifremer deployed the 3rd generation of its software suite for underwater drones’ mission planning and monitoring (Mimosa), developed by Robopec on top of latest WEB technologies. Further to intensive use with the fleet of underwater assets operated by Ifremer, this multi-year contract opens opportunity to widely enhance the software suite with new capabilities […]