DriX, the maritime drone of iXblue, is the result of a design definitely based on navigation performance and unmanned paradigm. It brings the surface drone industry (USV) a step beyond by expanding the underwater inspection and mapping capabilities of traditional operators.

True maritime robot, this system has enough decision-making autonomy to safely carry out its missions, without human supervision.

Core of this autonomous ship, Robopec‘s Cetos dronekit solution brings all the expected features for a state-of-the-art drone. From complex missions planification, to dynamic payload setting as well as obstacle detection and avoidance, the drone kit can be installed on any type of naval asset.

The DriX and its drone kit sail the seas across the globe for survey missions. To date, with hundreds of hours to their credits, they have proven their robustness in operational conditions.


Key figures :

  • Endurance > 10 d
  • Speed > 14 kts
  • Navigation accuracy < 1 m
  • Qinsy, Hypack, EIVA interfaces
  • Automatic docking
  • Follow vessel, AUV, ROV
  • 3D LIDAR + Thermal Camera
  • IMO COLREGs compliant